On 19-23 April, The World Federation of Exchanges (the WFE) hosted the 37th edition of its Clearing & Derivatives Conference. This year, the conference took place online. The Conference brought together academics, policy-makers, regulators, CCPs, derivatives markets and practitioners from all around the world to exchange ideas on the opportunities and challenges for the future of central and bilateral clearing in the context of the latest regulatory reforms, market structure changes and technological developments.
This year’s agenda featured 5 main themes:
- The importance of CCPs for financial stability: a reminder
- Structures and incentives
- Dealing with events at the end of the tail... and beyond
- Mitigating risk in the system
- Innovation & Risk. CCPs & Derivatives
Exactpro participated in the conference alongside with the industry’s standard-setters, policy makers, regulators and government organisations to support and promote the development of fair, transparent, stable and efficient markets comprising the global financial system.