The QA Financial Forum is firmly established as the only conference dedicated to quality assurance, testing and IT risk management for financial software.
Our focus means we are covering in detail the topics that really matter to senior-level decision makers working in IT strategy, engineering and procurement at leading banks, asset management and insurance companies.
Key topics for 2017 include:
Automation, test virtualization and AI,
The Cloud and test data management,
Regulatory compliance: GDPR and MiFID,
Mobile banking apps, and
Benchmarking out-sourced service providers.
Iosif Itkin, Exactpro co-CEO and co-Founder, gave a talk on "Data, latency, loads and stress conditions: Non-Functional Testing for Software", in which he covered a wide range of testing requirements beyond the requirements of functional testing, that client firms, including broker-dealers, exchanges and banks, confront on the regular basis.
Source: QA Financial website