Load Injector non-functional test tool
Item Description Exactpro Test Strategy Step(s)
Load generation in trading systems
Testing Type
Active Load and Non-Functional Testing
Target SUT
Trading Platforms, Market Data Delivery and Post-Trade Systems and their combinations
SUT Interface
Back-end (typically connected to message gateways / APIs);
Data streams generation (mcast/ucast);
GUI Testing Capabilities not supported
SUT Interaction Method
Inputs and outputs are generated based on the configured load shapes, parameters and templates. Captured messages can be viewed and analyzed post-factum using the DB queries (Shsha) or/and performance calculator tool (also developed by Exactpro)
Extant plug-ins for Industry-standard (FIX and dialects, FAST, ITCH, etc.) and Proprietary (MIT, SAIL, HSVF, RTF, RV, Quant House, etc.) protocols. New plug-ins for additional protocols developed by request
Test Scripts
Capable to stress the system with a high rate of transactions including microbursts. Used for Throughput, Bandwidth, Latency tests. Can be used for support of fault tolerance (Failover) tests
Test Management, Execution and Reporting
Simulation of multiple client connections with specified load shape for each connection or group of connections (configurable number of connections, messages templates, Load Shape for each connection or group of connections, messages distribution for each connection or group of connections). Throughput up to 80000 msg per core per second. Simulation of market data streams with required SLAs
Platform requirements
Linux on 64-bit platform
Primary Competitor
VeriFix TestPilot, HP Load Runner, IBM Rational Performance Tester, JMeter, Yandex.Tank
NFT tests
Capacity test
Check all external interfaces:
Traiding FIX
Trading Native
ITCH Replay/Recovery
Check hardware resources consumption by system components:
DLC test
Put the system through Production like schedule:
All trading cycles
All scheduled sessions
Apply appropriate load during various cycles to trigger extensions, special sessions, etc
Perform some functional tests under load
Data consistency check
All expected messages are disseminated via ITCH during session transitions
All Downstream systems connected and confirmed daily checks
Failover tests
Application failovers
Hardware outages
Application failovers
Simulation of various outage types (SIGKILL, SIGSTOP, Stop via SysGuard)
Failovers during different system state (at startup / trading day / EOD)
Hardware failovers
Network equipment failovers (Switches, Ports, NICs) - impact on Application
Server isolations
Oracle instances
Rapid user actions tests (connect-disconnect, logon-logout)
The system should withstand such user behavior
HW resources consumption should not grow up
Slow consumer tests
The system should handle such users and should have protection against them
HW resources consumption should not grow up
Intensive usage of recovery channels
The system should be able to handle a large number of requests on recovery channels and should be able to satisfy them
Massive actions from Market Operations (mass order cancels, mass trade cancels, mass instrument halts)
The system should handle Market operations' actions like mass cancel of 10k active orders or trades