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Source: Extent Meetup website
Justyn Trenner, Corporate Development Director of QA Media gave a talk in the TestOps Environments and Monitoring section of EXTENT-2018 that took place on 20 June 2018 at Grange St. Paul’s Hotel in London.
In his presentation, Justyn Trenner demonstrated how, according to the QA Vector Research, financial institutions face the structural challenges of successful software quality assurance. The talk focused on QA for trading platforms, highlighting the specific challenges that trading firms face and the common challenges the financial industry organisations share across the world. The presentation concluded with some key recommendations for delivering better software, faster, all based on exclusive and recent customer research. Watch the video below to find out more:
Justyn Trenner's BIO
Justyn Trenner is responsible The QA Vector™ 500 (owned by QA Media Ltd.) research offerings. Prior to joining QA Media, Justyn built ClientKnowledge, a financial services research and advisory business, providing a range of market research, strategic and business development advice and quantitative trading solutions. Several leading banks developed their global markets and e-commerce strategy based upon this advice, while several regional banks based their automated pricing, real-time analytics and risk management on the innovative solutions. Justyn sold the business to ICAP plc in 2012 where his executive responsibilities included the build of hosted trading software solutions and also corporate acquisitions and development. After completing his earn-out, he has advised a range of financial technology startups and banks on strategy, corporate development and technology strategy.
Justyn’s LinkedIn profile is at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justyntrenner/.
About QA Media
QA Media Ltd is an independent information and events business, based in London. It was launched in 2016 by Matthew Crabbe, a publisher and journalist with more than 25 years of experience in complex financial markets and financial technology. QA Media provides business-critical information on the market for software quality assurance and software risk management services. The company’s key market focus is financial services and the specific compliance and business requirements of banks, insurance companies and asset managers, but its activities also cover the E-commerce and Government and Public sectors too.
The EXTENT series events bring together practitioners to share their experiences working at exchanges, investment banks, brokerages, clearing, buy-side and other financial organisations, as well as academia, to present their expertise in software testing, verification and reliability areas.
Find out more about EXTENT at https://extent.exactpro.com/