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Tuesday, 1 December 2020, London – Exactpro, a leading software testing provider for financial market infrastructures, has today announced the launch of th2, its new, next-generation test automation framework for functional and non-functional testing of complex financial systems.
The th2 toolkit is designed to enable efficient machine learning (ML)-driven testing for complex distributed transaction processing systems, such as securities trading systems and exchanges, banking, brokerage, post-trade (e.g. clearing, settlement, custody), and payments platforms.
th2 can withstand heavy testing loads, improving test coverage, system quality, and resilience. This is complemented by a range of enhanced data capabilities including faster data processing and unified storage of test results. This provides the ability to perform the analysis of massive amounts of generated test evidence, ensuring regulatory compliance.
th2 is a Kubernetes-driven microservices solution. It operates by leveraging a technology stack with an open interface, allowing users to adopt digital technology such as the cloud and distributed ledger technology (DLT). It can integrate with a wide range of existing test tools, frameworks, and network protocols.
Users of th2 – software development engineers in test (SDET) professionals who can work equally and effectively as programmers, testers and data analysts – will be able to execute sophisticated test algorithms, collect and process distributed test data (e.g. for ML purposes), perform model-based testing, and analyse the behaviour of the systems under test. th2 microservices design allows implementing a large variety of automated testing techniques and efficiently combining them to deal with very complex test cases and scenarios.
th2 has already been successfully deployed in a number of use cases. Its first adopter – Airbus' subsidiary Skytra – harnessed the technology for its derivatives trading software; and its most recent implementation was for ML-driven testing of Quod Financial’s technology.
Alexey Zverev, CEO and co-founder of Exactpro, said: “th2 represents the next generation of automated testing platforms. We believe its usage will eventually transform the way firms approach their functional and non-functional testing processes. We look forward to rolling the framework out over the coming months and developing further use cases with our clients and partners.”
th2 source code is now hosted on GitHub and open for contributions from the software testing professional community.